Monday, December 16, 2013

86.Kathai kambalam - Part VIII

 It asked, “Are you a real whale or the whale in my dream?”
The whale did not understand anything.  It said, “What is the meaning of ‘Whale in dream?’
Kubuk said, “I was talking about this now only.  I don’t know how to explain it to you.  If l sleep, a thing will come in my mind.  Do you know the meaning of the word ‘THING’ l uttered now?  ln that thing, you’ll come, why, humans will also come.”
The whale said, “Lie.  No one can get me into dream,” in an angry voice.
Kubuk said, laughing, “lt is not a getting thing.  If you come in dream, it’ll be great fun.”
The whale said, “You do not know me and are you talking fun in front of me?”
Soon, Kubuk said angrily, “What for me if you are a big whale?  I have seen a thousands of whale, what will you do?”
The whale said confused, “What means saw?”
Kubuk said, “ln dreams, one who is sleeping can see anyone in his dreams.”
The whale said, “Then can l see a human under the sea in my dreams too?”
Kubuk said, “Certainly.  Why not!”
The whale said, “That’s why the men from the ship is trying to catch me the place l am going.  What can I do for avoiding me in the dream?”
Kubuk said, “No one can avoid you from their dreams.”
The whale was afraid and astonished.
It said, “ls dream a horror?”
Kubuk said, laughing, “No need of becoming afraid.  It is just like a game.”
The whale asked, “How many people will come in the dream?”
Kubuk said, “Two people can come.  Thousands of people will also come.”
The whale asked nervously, “What will they do in dream?”
Kubuk said, laughing, “l itself had slapped and chased away a whale in my dream.  Why, a shark, a sea cow, a ship or someone or something also cannot harm me in my dream.”
The whale said, “l cannot believe it.  How did dream come to you?”



Monday, December 2, 2013

81.The Hindu news.

            I have translated a book.  The Hindu news paper was the last of all the interviews and articles I came in.  We thought that the news paper won’t come anymore.  But it did not happen.  At last of all, an author called Akila came from The Hindu news paper.  She came with a note book to interview me.  She first asked what is my name.  Then she asked which class I’m studying in.  Then she asked how the interest came for me to translate the book. “First, l translated a Panchatantra story called ‘The blue colored fox.  The story was like a fox doused in blue die.  I translated that story from my Tamil reader.  My father said that, it was nice.  My father then said me to translate S.Ramakrishnan’s book called Kaal Mulaitha Kathaikal.  It was a collection of small, children’s stories.”
                 She noted it down.  Then I said, “When I went to my native place, Kanyakumari, l took the original book, my note book and pencil with me.  in 15 days, l translated 20 stories.  After six months, I finished translating the whole story book.  It was released on March this year.  My translation was named ‘Nothing but water’.  It was released by Director Balu Mahendra.  I got several awards for this translation, including the ‘Nalli Thaisai Ettum Award’.  I know to read and write Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Sanskrit and English.”
                 Then I said that I had a blog too.  So, Akila said that she also had a blog.  Then, I straight away went to my father’s laptop to see if she really had a blog.  When I searched, she really had a blog.  Then Akila told me to read her blog.  She said that she would also read my blog.  Then she took some photos of me and went away.