It was a very interesting book. In this, Geronimo goes to a coffee shop to drink coffee. There, a mouse spills the coffee in Geronimo's coat. When he turned to scold the mouse, he saw that the mouse was the beautiful countess, Stephanie von Sugarfur. He began to be the countess' friend without her knowledge. Geronimo sends dozens and dozens of red roses and many big, big boxes of Cheesy Chews, cheese flavored chocolates. But, he sees that, Stephanie has another friend. So, mood off, he sits and watches TV and sometimes, the thought of the countess made him cry also. Suddenly, Geronimo's sister Thea, cousin Trap and favorite nephew Benjamin visits him. They said Geronimo about the 8th wonder of the world and told him to join them. But, Geronimo first refused. So, Thea took him to a fortune - teller. The fortune teller says that if he traveled this time, he would be surely famous. As the fortune teller told, the four of them became famous. To become famous, they traveled to and island shaped like a giant butterfly called the Butterfly Island. They go to a forest and explore it. A butterfly suddenly comes near Benjamin. It looked like cheese. So, Geronimo and Benjamin follow the butterfly to a cave and find that there was a hole for small mice like Benjamin to go in. So, Benjamin took his camera and went in. After some time, he came back after finding the 8th wonder of the world, The Mysterious Valley of Cheesettes. After all, they had found the 8th wonder of the world. Benjamin showed the photos. He said that there were hundreds and thousands and millions of butterflies like the one Benjamin and Geronimo followed. Thea gave Trap the cinema roll and Benjamin's camera to take care of while they return. But, foolish Trap left the cinema roll and the camera in the island itself. Luckily, Benjamin showed a butterfly that was hidden under his hat. He named the butterfly, Cheesette. So, after they had become famous, countess Stephanie von Sugarfur came to Geronimo's office and apologized. But, Geronimo did not accept and refused to the countess. She felt sad and went away because Geronimo said that he did not like her. Thea, Trap, Benjamin and Geronimo became very very popular because of that butterfly. I loved the book very very much.
