Kubuk said, “Am l blabbering? You are only becoming afraid of nothing.”
The sea turtle said, “You should not talk one word after this. I can understand that dream is a very bad thing from your talk itself. If l think of that, l’ll die of becoming afraid.”
Kubuk scolded the sea turtle, “For remaining like an idiot, you better die”, and went away.
The sea turtle pulled its head inside the shell and started to become inactive. Purposefully, Kubuk shouted, “See if the dream comes and holds your neck.”
There was no movement in the sea turtle. Kubuk thought, “Oh! What is this? No one knows about dream”, and swam to the whale’s house to ask if it knows about dream alone and brave. On the way it met an oyster. The oyster asked, “Brother, whom are you going to meet?”
Kubuk said, being irritated, “l’ll go anywhere! What for you?”
For that, the oyster replied, “In this path, there are a huge number of whales. If one sees you, it will eat you like a lollipop. That why l asked.”
Kubuk said, “l am not scared of all that. do you know anything about dream?”
The oyster asked, “Who is dream? Is he your friend?”
Kubuk said, “It is not my friend or enemy. Dream means dream only. That’ll be very nice.”
The oyster said, “Then give me some to eat. I’ll eat and say.”
Kubuk said, “lt is not a chocolate to eat.”
The oyster said, “Then what’s that?”
Kubuk said, “Dream means dream only!”
The oyster asked, “Like whom will the dream be?”
Kubuk said, “Dream will be…. like you too. Not like you, you itself.”
The oyster asked, “How can l come in dream?”

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