Saturday, July 18, 2015

244. A Fabumouse School Adventure.

It was Career Day in Geronimo’s nephew Benjamin’s school.  There were five celebrities, including Geronimo.  They gave their speeches one by one.  During their speech, each celebrity wanted Geronimo to help in his or her experiment.  At last, it was a girl’s turn to feed their class pet, a green gecko called Spike.  At first, it ran through Geronimo’s shirt and at last, it ran through the hallway making Geronimo follow it.  Suddenly, Geronimo meets his old friend Veronica Stiffwhiskers, who during their school days won everything making Geronimo come second at everything.  She was the principal of that school now.  After that meeting, she went away and Geronimo went to search Spike who led him into the auditorium where everybody clapped and cheered for him.  Then at last, he met his old friends again.  This was a nice story after all. 

                                      Image result for a fabumouse school adventure


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