Sunday, August 30, 2015

266. The Missing Diary.

In this book, the girl mice club, Lizards’ Tanja said that they are all going to publish the school newspaper.  The Thea sisters split up and get information on different subjects such as sports, fashion etc.  Ruby Flashyfur, who was very jealousy of the Thea sisters decided to play a trick on them.  She stole Colette’s private diary in which she had written about her friends.  Ruby wrote everything in the gossip column.  The Thea sisters were very angry with Colette.  Then one day, Colette’s diary got lost.  Then another day, Paulina found her diary.  When the headmaster heard the news, he punished Ruby.  This was a nice story.

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265. The Way of the Samurai.


In this book, Geronimo was relaxing when friend, Wild Willie calls him for an adventure.  Geronimo first refuses but then somehow, he accepts.  Wild Willie calls him to a place.  In that place, karate demonstrations were going to be held.  The chief guest was Wild Willie and his assistant was Geronimo.  He was astonished when he knew that.  When he went to the stage, Wild Willie did some karate moves using him. Then, the next day, Geronimo, Wild Willie, his friends Chop – Chop and Lotus Snout goes to Japan to find Wild Willie’s karate teacher, Noblemouse.  Then after that, Geronimo sees a dream that they go to the palace of a very kind mouse and find the secret parchment which was very important in the history of karate.  The next day, Wild Willie told them that they are all going to go to the palace that Geronimo had seen in his dream.  The group was led by Geronimo and they go and find the parchment.  When they were coming back home, a rich and arrogant mouse namely Shrewdpaws attacks them.  Geronimo and his friends use the secret of the parchment to attack their enemies.  The enemies fled away.  Then Geronimo and his friends returned back to New Mouse City.  This was a nice book.


264. The Enormouse Pearl Heist.

One day, Geronimo was relaxing at his mouse hole when his friend, Petunia Prettypaws enters and says that he has to learn scuba – diving.  The next day, they board a flight to their destination and reach the place.  Instead of bringing summer clothes, Geronimo brings winter clothes.  For that, they go shopping and buy him few dresses.  When they go scuba – diving, Geronimo finds an enormous oyster with a gigantic pearl inside.  Geronimo and Petunia guard the pearl and decided to give it to the New Mouse City Museum.  Someone steals the pearl and replace it with another.  But they find out and take back the pearl from the robbers.  This was a nice story.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

263. Stories I like to tell.

This book was written by Jeeva Raghunath.  She is a professional story teller.  She comes to our school and tells stories with emotions and actions.  This book is published by Tulika Publications.  In this book, there were stories like Athiribaacha Vellappam, Strange wishes, Palace of a hundred parrots, Careful, son!, Lodukku, The lark and the farmer, Fish Curry, The One who plants the trees waters it, Why humans live the longest, It’s not our problem, We are not dead till we are forgotten, Tikki Tikki Tembo and Paati’s beat.  I liked all the stories and this was a nice book.

                            Image result for stories i like to tell by jeeva raghunath


262. The Giant Diamond Robbery.

It was a special day.  They were broadcasting a football match on the TV.  It was Geronimo’s favorite.  So, he rushed to his home and put on the TV.  When he began watching it, his grandpa, William Shortpaws came to his home and changed the channel and kept a golf match.  Golf was his favorite sport.  He told Geronimo that there was a golf match going to be held.  He also said that he and Geronimo should take part in that match.  The prize was a giant golden cup, with a big diamond on the top of it.  Their rival was Sally Ratmousen and her grandma, Molly Ratmousen, who were the rivals of The Rodents’ Gazette as well.  They played the match.  There were around 20 or 25 holes.  Geronimo hit all the balls facing difficulties.  That time alone, Molly kept her hand in her pocket did something inside.  When she was asked to show what she was doing, she showed two gadgets, one to control their own ball and another one to control Geronimo’s ball.  After sometime, they all, even Sally, came to know that it was not her grandma but her cousin, Shadow.  She was a master of putting disguises.  She locked grandma in a room and put her disguise.  She had come to steal the giant cup by doing cheating.  Then, Geronimo's friend Kornelius Von Kickpaw makes her throw away the gadget and frees Sally's grandma. They play the game truly an at last, somehow Geronimo and his grandpa win.  This was a nice story after all.

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

261. Thea Stilton and the Secret of the Fairies.

This was a nice story book.  In this, Thea Stilton receives a call from the Seven Roses Unit, an investigating area that and agent, Nina was missing.  She had gone to Ireland, to the Land of Erin a fantasy land, where the king was shaking that world because of anger.  He was angry because his gold was lost.  So, Thea goes to Erin.  After their exams, the Thea Sisters also go to Erin with the main agent, Will Mystery.  They solve many riddles and problems and go to save Nina.  They save her and the gold and give it back to the king and make him happy.  This was a nice story after-all. 

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