Sunday, August 30, 2015

265. The Way of the Samurai.


In this book, Geronimo was relaxing when friend, Wild Willie calls him for an adventure.  Geronimo first refuses but then somehow, he accepts.  Wild Willie calls him to a place.  In that place, karate demonstrations were going to be held.  The chief guest was Wild Willie and his assistant was Geronimo.  He was astonished when he knew that.  When he went to the stage, Wild Willie did some karate moves using him. Then, the next day, Geronimo, Wild Willie, his friends Chop – Chop and Lotus Snout goes to Japan to find Wild Willie’s karate teacher, Noblemouse.  Then after that, Geronimo sees a dream that they go to the palace of a very kind mouse and find the secret parchment which was very important in the history of karate.  The next day, Wild Willie told them that they are all going to go to the palace that Geronimo had seen in his dream.  The group was led by Geronimo and they go and find the parchment.  When they were coming back home, a rich and arrogant mouse namely Shrewdpaws attacks them.  Geronimo and his friends use the secret of the parchment to attack their enemies.  The enemies fled away.  Then Geronimo and his friends returned back to New Mouse City.  This was a nice book.


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