In this book, Geronimo and his detective friend Hercule
Poirat are Supermice. They are always
there to save a city called Muskrat City from danger. With them are Tess Technopaws, a scientist,
Lady Wonderwhiskers, who is a supermouse and is mysterious, Electron and
Proton, who know how to create and operate sophisticated gadgets easily. Their enemies are the Sewer Rats. Their leader is Tony Sludge, his wife Teresa Sludge
and their teenage daughter Elena Sludge and their bodyguards, Slickfur, who is
the one and only brainy of the Sewer Rats and One, Two and Three, three idiotic
rats. The Sewer Rats won’t come in this
story, instead of them there are villainous robots. In the Heromice series, Geronimo Stilton’s
name in Geronimo Superstilton and Hercule Poirat’s name in Shiftpaws.
One day, Geronimo was at his office, working till late
night. That time, his friend Shiftpaws
calls his urgently and says that Muskrat City is in danger. He says that the city is surrounded by
darkness and robots (who are designed like home appliances) are attacking that
city. So they go to Muskrat City. Lady Wonderwhiskers also join with them. They go and fight with the robots. Shiftpaws can change his shape into something
else also. When he changed into a
slingshot and went charging towards a Refrigerator robot, it caught him and
kept him inside. Geronimo goes to save
him, he saves him but Geronimo gets thrown inside a ditch. After that, he cleans himself. Then after two days, again Muskrat City is
attacked by those robots. They find out
that a scientist, Gunther Gadgetsnout is inventing all these robots and catch
him. He says that he did not invent
them. So they go in a submarine called
Supersub and find out the leader of the robots, Metal Head is none other than
Gunther’s son. They find him out and
Metal Head apologizes to the Heromice and Muskrat City is saved again! I liked this book very much.
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