There were three servants for a miser. The servants' names were Adharsh, Yuvaraj and Jagadeesh. Yuvaraj was hard working and he was his master's favorite whereas Adharsh and Jagadeesh were always having their luck. One day, their master told them to take three bags each to the other town. Adharsh and Jagadeesh took the lightest bag, but Yuvaraj took the heaviest bag. He did not complain about that at all and traveled happily to the other town. The three bags were filled with food. Their master who were traveling with them ate the food which was in Yuvaraj's bag because he knew that Yuvaraj was working hard. After sometime, there was no bag in Yuvaraj's hand because, his master had eaten all the food in his bag. So, Adharsh and Jagadeesh felt ashamed and promised to their master that they would work hard there after. So, Yuvaraj had taught a good lesson to Adharsh and Jagadeesh of working hard.

Proverb: A burden of one's choice is not felt.
Meaning: When someone does a task willingly, even difficult tasks appear easy.

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