Thursday, December 25, 2014

175. It's Halloween, you 'fraidy mouse!


Today, I finished one book of Geronimo Stilton series called 'It's Halloween, you 'fraidy mouse!'  It was very interesting.  Geronimo usually hates scary festivals like Halloween.  Purposely, at a rainy night, Geronimo's sister Thea and his cousin Trap play pranks on him.  Then Thea says that Halloween was nearing and Geronimo must publish a book on games, food and costumes for Halloween. So for the games, Geronimo and his favorite nephew go to a shop, where his cousin works, called the 'Tricks for Tails' to look at 'Halloween games'.  When they enter itself, Trap plays pranks on Geronimo.  Then they go to a scary room in the shop and finds the games.  Benjamin notes the names of the games in his notepad.  Then, to find food and costume, Geronimo and Benjamin go to Geronimo's assistant, Pinky Pick's friend, Creepella von Cacklefur's house.  The next door to Creepella's house was a graveyard.  So, Benjamin and Geronimo go and look at the graveyard whether there were ghosts.  When they went, one of the grave's door opened and out came Creepella.  Down the graveyard was half of Creepella's home.  They go to a room and find the costumes.  On another room, they discuss about about the foods for the party and prepare a menu. So, to make all the dishes, Geronimo calls Tina Spicytail, Geronimo's grandfather William Shortpaws' cook.  Then, Creepella says that the Halloween party will be held at her home.  So, they thanked her and returned back to the office at dawn.  When Geronimo and Benjamin reached the computer, they started working at an instance.  Geronimo looks at Benjamin's notes and began typing everything in his computer and within minutes, he was finished and he had published a Halloween book.  So, on October 31st night, Thea, Trap, Benjamin and Geronimo go to the party at Creepella's home.  There were many mice dressed in many types of scaring dresses.  Even Geronimo dressed as a mummy, Benjamin as a vampire bat, Thea as a witch and Trap as a vampire magician.  After everything, they returned to the office at morning five.  Suddenly, Geronimo's assistant, Shif.T.Paws, come to Geronimo's room and shouts that their book on Halloween was at the top of the Best Sellers' List. There were the Halloween book attached to the book at the back.  The Halloween book was almost 30 pages.  I loved the book very much.




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